Monday, February 21, 2011

Violet's Feed

 Creative Blog option #2

It's been a couple days since my feed stopped working. I actually enjoy not having the feed, except for the fact that Titus and his friends completely rely on it, so I can't join their conversations. I think the feed was a mistake. I would like to go back in time to before the feed even existed, I bet the world was a much better place then. You know, back in time when everyone could think for themselves and use actual language. The feed ruined a lot of things in this society, well that's what my dad has told me. He says people used to want to learn about things and that SchoolTM wasn't owned by the corporations. It's really weird thinking about how far our world has come in such a short amount of time. I'm scared for what's to come in the future, but I probably won't be around for any of that. The doctors tell me I don't have much time since my feed isn't working. My dad blames Titus for taking me to that club on the moon, but it's not his fault. He was just trying to make me have fun, for once. But that's all for today, I have another appointment with the feed technician. Wish me luck!


  1. Definitely sounds like what Violet would have been thinking after her feed went down. I actually wonder what the story would have been like told from the perspective of Violet throughout.

  2. This is a really good perception of what Violet might have been thinking about when she lost her feed. Its scary to think that in the book they knew nothing about what life was like before the feed and then without it they have no idea what to do with themselves.

  3. This passage is kind of scary about how true this is. We as a society have become so dependent on technology just like they have on the feed. Just hopefully we won't be destroyed by our technology and still be able to function if we for some reason do not have it someday.
