Friday, April 15, 2011

Final Blog

When I first started this class, I did not think I would enjoy it one bit. I usually hate reading assigned books in class, but when we read Feed, I quickly realized this was not going to be a normal literature class. I actually liked the topics we would talk about it in class and read about, so it was not hard to participate and engage in conversation during class. The book I enjoyed the most during this course was Hunger Games. I couldn't put it down when I read it and I might even read the rest in the series. Hunger Games and the Lottery definitely made me think about our culture and just how far we would go for entertainment.
The documentary on the most hated family in America really triggered my emotions. I couldn't understand why those people would do that to the soldiers defending our country. It was very upsetting to watch. This course has also made me think about topics that I would normally not think twice about; such as, the "dumbest generation," book burning, and censorship. It never really bothered me before that everything we see and hear and even read is usually censored, but now that we have talked about, it does bother me a little bit.
One thing I have definitely started doing is responding to literature. Not just for this class, but my others too. I find myself comparing my reading to other things I have read for that class, just like we had to do for this class. So, I guess it worked!
I really enjoyed this class and working with my group. I was not looking forward to taking this because I thought it would be all boring literature, but I was completely wrong. I think I can sum up the semester with one picture..


  1. That is a great picture! haha I felt the same way you did when first coming into this class, but I was surprised to realize that it was not going to be what I expected at all. I also agree with you, Hunger Games was my favorite book this semester. I have started connecting texts and analyzing my reading just like you said, this class really did work!

  2. This was definitely not a normal literature class. We didn't just read novels by authors who died a century ago, but we talked about real life scenarios that pertain to us. It did open my eyes to a few different ideas that are out there about us as a culture.
